Honor Ash

Honor Ash

From Old Moat to the Ageing in Place Pathfinder

Map of Salford highlighting geographic experiences of respect and social inclusion

2012-25From Old Moat to the Ageing in Place PathfinderSpatial action planning The Ageing in Place Pathfinder is producing the most recent iteration of the implementation of co-produced neighbourhood action planning developed across a series of age friendly city and community…

Story of Stockport

Healthy Life Expectancy diagram showing the relationship between Housing, Services, Economy, Environment and Transport
This project explored the use of data analysis and representation to understand the spatial implications of structural discrimination across Stockport Borough.

The Greater Part

Cover of Spinoza and Ratio
This chapter sets out key theoretical findings of research into spatial inclusion, articulating philosophical aspects of a Spinoza inspired – ‘expressionist’ - design and research methodology.

Including Architecture

Cover of Disability, Space, Architecture edited by Jos Boys
Collected alongside world-leading disability scholars Rob Imrie and Jos Boys, this chapter sets out the key theoretical basis of research into a ‘capability’ model of spatial inclusion that underpins cutting-edge Age Friendly Neighbourhood community-engaged design-research, which in turn contributed to Greater Manchester becoming Europe’s first Age Friendly City Region.

Creating Age-Friendly Developments

Cover of the Creating Age-Friendly Developments guidance
Creating Age-Friendly Developments is a guide for developers, designers and policymakers setting out 62 considerations for ensuring new residential developments and urban regeneration initiatives can better serve the needs and aspirations of older people.

Design for Life Age Friendly Urban Design guidance

Cover of the Design for Life ebook
This public facing report curated by Dr Hammond sets out co-produced guidance informed by the DfL Ageing in place Research programme. It extends the Design for Life Manifesto for urban ageing into specific supplementary planning guidance for new developments in Greater Manchester.