Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), to explore their potentials, pitfalls, government policies, current projects and research

UK-Brazil Link workshop informing decision-making processes through transdisciplinary activities

It will define and advance a systems approach for sustainability and sanitation

SynchroniCity will create a harmonised market place for IoT enabled and urban data services.

The CPU Lab in the Government Office for Science Foresight group on their Future of Cities blog.

Ulysses Sengupta and Rob Hyde discussing Smart Cities in an article in The Guardian.

Urgent and complex challenges are frequently addressed as if they were merely visual design issues.

Keynote presentation and resultant case studies from the 2016 Joint DACAS ICTP-SAIFR Workshop.

An examination of the impact of smart cities on communities, data collection, and citizenship.

Implications of the emergence of Complexity Theories of Cities (CTC)