Category project

Healthy Life Expectancy diagram showing the relationship between Housing, Services, Economy, Environment and Transport

Story of Stockport

This project explored the use of data analysis and representation to understand the spatial implications of structural discrimination across Stockport Borough.
Screenshot of the Ageing in Place Pathfinder webpage

Greater Manchester Ageing in Place Pathfinder

The Ageing in Place Pathfinder is a complex whole system public health intervention focussed on the role of place across the life course with an emphasis on later life. 
Cover of the Rightsizing report

Rightsizing: Reframing older people’s housing choices

The rightsizing project responded to the observation that a potentially very large number of older people were living in unsuitable accommodation for later life or had an expressed preference to move home but very few (<4%) every year did actually move house and of those less than half moved into smaller properties i.e it is incorrect to assume that older people seek to ‘downsize’.

Manchester Age Friendly Neighbourhoods

The Manchester Age Friendly Neighbourhoods project explored the systematic implementation of the Old Moat Age Friendly Neighbourhood prototype for co-produced place-based urban planning for health across the life course through creating 5 resident led multi-stakeholder age friendly partnerships in deprived wards across Manchester City.
Logo for the Horizon2020 Synchronicity project

SynchroniCity: H2020

SynchroniCity will create a harmonised market place for IoT enabled and urban data services.
A black and white map of a speculative masterplan

Future City Systems

Urgent and complex challenges are frequently addressed as if they were merely visual design issues.