Creating Age-Friendly Developments
Urban design guidance for new developments
With GMCA Housing, Ageing and Planning Committee
Creating Age-Friendly Developments is a guide for developers, designers and policymakers setting out 62 considerations for ensuring new residential developments and urban regeneration initiatives can better serve the needs and aspirations of older people. The guide covers three core themes – celebrating and including older people in the development process, planning age-friendly neighbourhood environments, and designing homes that promote ageing well.
The guide was developed by Dr Hammond in collaboration with the Greater Manchester Housing Planning and Ageing group, a cross-sectoral task group convened by Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Since the guide was launched in October 2023, the guide has been presented to over 600 architects, planners and policy-maker in the UK and further afield. This includes presentations to the Town and Country Planning Association, UK Network of Age-Friendly Cities, Housing LIN, Age-Friendly Northern Ireland, Planning Aid Wales and a keynote lecture delivered at the Norwegian Health Directorate.