Finding the Rightplace: Improving housing choices for older people
Primary and secondary data analysis and planning guidance
Stefan White, Mark Hammond, Stephen Walsh, Neil Dagnal, Harry Armitage, Chris O’Leary
This project was commissioned by the Centre for Ageing Better to extend the understanding of how to close the Rightsizing gap that we had theorised and identified in the earlier Rightsizing: reframing the housing offer for older people report.
Using similar data sets but with a range of statistical modelling techniques and a wider range of variables we generated a segmentation model of older people on the basis of their attachment to their neighbourhood and their preference to move home. We validated this secondary data analysis with primary data place-based urban analysis and interpersonal focus group. We used this to develop a segmentation questionnaire which identifies the likely preferences of an interviewee with 13 questions. This is being applied in the Ageing in Place Pathfinder evaluation.