Manchester Age Friendly Neighbourhoods
5 Neighbourhoods in £10m GM Ambition for Ageing programme
£960,000 (including £340,000 community fund, spent directly by older residents)

The Manchester Age Friendly Neighbourhoods project explored the systematic implementation of the Old Moat Age Friendly Neighbourhood prototype for co-produced place-based urban planning for health across the life course through creating 5 resident led multi-stakeholder age friendly partnerships in deprived wards across Manchester City. These partnerships explored the implementation of a complexity based Transformative Community Development approach to create radically co-produced partnerships where residents decided all financial disbursements and action planning priorities alongside an extensive demographically and geographically inclusive engagement programme in each of the 5 wards with more than 6000 formal action planning conversations undertaken over the course of the project to develop age friendly spatial action plans. The Age Friendly Neighbourhood boards have self-sustained since the formal project conclusion with 3 boards functioning over 6 years later. The project was the Manchester delivery component of the £10m Big Lottery Ambition for Ageing project for GM, with an additional 23 neighbourhoods across GM which were also responsive to the Old Moat Age Friendly prototype. All research, maps and reports were co-produced.